Writing Remotely

Now that the four day week is becoming more popular, so is remote writing. Investing in a laptop can make remote writing much easier. A laptop with an internal network card can provide Internet access for online publishing at any remote location with wireless access.


For certain types of writing the writer may need to be on location. But after the meetings, product reviews and engineering changes have been completed, writing can begin at any time or location.


Some of our writers attend all engineering meetings via conference call. After hanging up the phone the writing begins and the team begins to collaborate on the content of the documents. Writers go on-site one to five times a year depending on the need of the client. In some cases, the writer meets the client once, and writes for that client on an open-ended contract.


Just think of the money saved by the client and the writer at a time when gas prices may soar higher than we have ever imagined.


The clients and writers can focus on their business instead of worrying about what the price of gas will be tomorrow.




Are you making the most of Single Sourcing?

Take your online help documentation and your user manuals to the next level!


Save time and money doing it the right way. Using Microsoft and Adobe software for documentation development and implementing effective technical communicator standards wasted time and money can be eliminated from documentation projects.


Why keep spending the extra money, when you don’t have to?


We have remote technical writers available to make this one time transition for you, so you can start saving money, today!


